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The One Light Self-Defense team began with individuals who shared a common interest, as well as experience, in self-defense training: Modern Arnis, Isshinryu, and Tae Kwon Do. Our Release and Run philosophy is based on over 20 years of training. One Light strives to teach safety awareness and simple, escape techniques.


Since 2009, One Light has traveled to the slums in Nairobi, Kenya to teach self-defense skills to over 300 girls and 21 men and women trainers who continue to carry on this skill transfer. One Light has taught over 250 free self-defense workshops and trained over 6,500 people in the United States, contributing 100% of donations. More than $100,000 has gone to Missions of Hope Int'l for the Mathare Valley (one of the poorest slums in the world) to create a safer environment for children. Internationally, One Light has partnered with Women At Risk International (an organization that assists in the rescue and restoration of sex trafficking victims), traveling to Thailand in order to train victims rescued from sex trafficking.  Thousands of dollars donated at workshops are used to fund emergencies and safe houses for Woman At Risk Int'l.  100% of current donations go to support the One Light mission: to prepare people to avoid, face, and heal from physical violence.  Locally, we support Reclaim 13, Family Shelter Services, South Suburban Family Shelter, YWCA, and The Harbour.

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